Sunday, 10 July 2011

Wishes vs. Goals

Wishes vs. Goals

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.” ~ The Dhammapada.

When I first considered this idea I was expecting to come across a clear delineation between the two concepts. Upon closer inspection it appears that, as with so many things in the world, the differences could all be a matter of semantics and perspectives.

Disciples of ‘The Secrete’ ‘Universal Ordering’ and ‘Deliberate Creation’ will be familiar with the Laws of Attraction. The laws of attraction state that ‘Like Attracts Like’ and that thoughts, beliefs, feelings, people and rocks are magnetically attracted to other thoughts, beliefs, feelings, people and rocks with a similar vibration. Since thoughts, beliefs, feeling and emotions create our experience, once we are able to achieve a conscious acceptance of this, we should be able to deliberately create our own experience.

Ergo if our beliefs thoughts and feelings are predominantly negative or of a low vibration then that is the sort of experience that we will attract to our lives.

Deliberate Creation Theory (DCT) proposes that; ‘Whatever we place our attention on, whatever we think about consciously/unconsciously, whatever we imagine, believe and feel strongly about, we attract more of into our experience.’ DCT suggests that by knowing this we can choose to generate a positive vibration, by default so to speak, and in so doing attract a more positive life experience. DCT also fits in with the idea of ‘Self Fulfilling Prophecies’; whereby we enter a mindset that exerts an unconscious compulsion that directs our actions and inter-actions towards a specific outcome.

Many scientists believe that all of the above can be accounted for by ‘Hyper Attention Theory’. An example of this is where you decide to buy a Metallic Navy Lexus, because you hardly ever see them on road and you like the idea of that kind of exclusivity. You can pretty much guarantee that as soon as you are behind the wheel, you will begin to notice dozens of them on road. This generally means one of two things [a] ASDA is having a metallic blue Lexus sale or [b] you have become ‘Hyper Attentive’ to their presence on the road.

All of which brings me back around to the similarities between wishes and goals. Both are ways of focussing the mind on a desired outcome. Some might say that prayer, meditation, affirmations and visualisations are all different paths to the same destination.

GOALS [meta to vibration]: This more formal pursuit of the desired outcome, forward planning the actions and inter-actions that will facilitate achieving your goals. If your belief in your plans is strong (positive) then your mind is Hyper Attentive to opportunities for you to further your plans to achieve your goals.

WISHES [Milton to vibration]: Seem to cast a less formal net upon the universal waters. Placing more trust in the ebb & flow of the unconscious mind, allowing ‘coincidence’ and ‘serendipity’ to play a major role in the achievement of your desired outcome.

Favourite Quotes [So Far]: “Goals make you jump into action. Wishes make you dream”. ~ Udo Stadtsbuchier (Independent Professional at Applied Body and Mind Dynamics
“Wishes have no expectations. Goals take no prisoners”. ~ Sonia D’Avilar (big Sis!).

Now where does this leave the Coaches among us? Do we reconcile ourselves to the micro/macro line management of the client’s pursuit of their goals or do we aspire to become genies; vacating our lamps just longing enough to grant three wishes. One hopes that a position can be found that will allow us to have a foot in each camp; we are after all highly talented individuals

So all that’s left to decide is which is more powerful Wishes or Goals. Well the conclusion that I have formed is that they are in essence formed of the same energy and it is the actions that we take in pursuance of our desired outcomes that determines what label we place on that desire Wish or Goal.
If you are happier with affirmations, visualisations and the like, then waiting to have the universe grant your Wishes is the way to go. If you are uncomfortable with that level of trust, not to mention inactivity, then put your plans into action. Give yourself the tasks and deadlines that will service your needs and allow you to focus on your goals. 

My inclination, having formed my conclusion, is that the most powerful thing I could do is combine the two.

Surely it makes sense to wish for the munificence of the universe to back up your plans to achieve your goals.

1 comment:

Udo said...

You are right, a combination of wish and goal is most powerful. Of course we need to differentiate between the meaning of hopes, wishes, wants and needs. The most success-promising goalsetting begins with a wish or a want. First one wishes or wants to change something, then comes the goalsetting, the strategy and the tactic. Hopes and needs are not as powerful as wishes and wants, unless we turn them into wishes and wants.